Triple Zinc-Coated Plates
Offering enhanced corrosion protection for trusses, MiTek MT20-TZ truss plates are fabricated with 20 gauge sheet steel that meets or exceeds the strength requirements of ASTM A924/A 924M Grade 40, Structural Steel.
The truss plates are hot-dipped galvanized to a G185 galvanization rating. This is twice as thick as our G90-galvanized plates and three times as thick as steel with G60 galvanization.
Triple-Zinc coated plates are ideal for situations where the trusses are installed in wet-service environments where the lumber moisture content is greater than 15% on average, but less than 19%. Typical uses involve agricultural buildings, attic spaces with limited ventilation and other structures that are deemed susceptible to corrosion due to the nature of the building.
MT20-TZ plates can also be used in situations where the truss lumber itself has been chemically treated with preservatives that are corrosive to steel. MT20-TZ plates are only available in limited sizes and can be supplied upon order.